exterior_homes_400Marketing a home effectively is an art form.  The problem is that many people selling homes are unaware of this art form and make big mistakes in the marketing process.  Here are the biggest mistakes that people make when marketing a home.  If you avoid these then your efforts in marketing your home will be much better off.

Bad Online Photos

Why people use bad photos of their homes when they are trying to sell their homes is confusing but it happens all the time.  They take photos from too great a distance, from odd angles, with bad lighting, or even post photos that don't show the home right side up.  This is a huge mistake when selling homes and, luckily, one of the easiest to avoid.

Giving Only The Basic Details

When people give only the barest of details about their homes, like the size of the home and the number of rooms, then just about any home sounds unremarkable.  They forego the description of the home's finer points or whatever makes that home unique.  Basically, they skip the easy step of telling potential buyers why they bought the home in the first place.  If you want a potential buyer to visit or buy your home instead of all the other homes out there then you need to tell them why they should.  This is a key part of marketing a home.

Making It Hard For Agents To Show Your Home

It may be inconvenient to show your home every time someone wants to see it but this helps with selling homes.  It's a common mistake to make it hard for potential buyers to see your home.  When you need 24 hours notice or for appointments to be made before someone can see your home this makes it more challenging to see.  You can always ask for a call first and use a lock box so you don't have to be there but don't make it hard for anyone to see your home.

Not Advertising Everywhere You Can

In the age of the internet you may be tempted to just post your home listing online but this is another mistake.  You want to let as many people know about your home as possible and that means putting the listing in print.  There are still plenty of people who check print sources when they are looking for a home so your home has to be listed there.  Putting your home in the classified section of the local paper and in similar publications gets the home listing out to a wider audience. 

No Virtual Tours

The final biggest mistake that people make when selling homes is not having a virtual tour available.  These days it is expected.  In fact, many potential buyers won't bother with home listings that don't have virtual tours.  This is the age of the internet so make a virtual tour that effectively shows off the attributes of the property. 

These are some of the biggest mistakes that people make when marketing a home.  Fortunately, they are all easily fixable when you know what to do.  Don't make these big mistakes and the process of selling your home will go a lot more smoothly.

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Posted by Jen Dollar on


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