clean_home_400When you are ready to get serious about home staging, you need advanced home staging tips.  There are many out there who talk about home staging and make a few minor tweaks, and then there are those who go all out in recreating their home to get it to sell.  If you want to go all out with home staging, then this is what you will have to do.

Clean Absolutely Everything

Cleaning absolutely everything means cleaning absolutely everything.  From one end of the house to the other and from top to bottom, the house needs to be so clean it sparkles.  Clean around, behind, and under every piece of furniture and knickknack that you have, and you will be off to a good start.

Banish Clutter From The Premises

All clutter must be gone.  You want your home so free of clutter that it could be photographed for a magazine, so you can't have even one nonessential piece lying around anywhere.  This may take some doing to get done and regular effort to maintain, but it is a must in the world of advanced home staging.

Remove The Personal Touches

You aren't selling your home to yourself, so get all the personal touches out of sight.  This means everything from all your pictures to your CD and DVD collections.  You want the home to look like it is ready for home buyers to move into today, and that is harder to imagine with your personal stuff lying around.  You want to convert it from your house into a show house, and that means all personal items have to go.

Use Natural Light When You Can

Natural light is beautiful and should be used whenever possible.  Open up all window dressings to let light flood into the house so that it seems more open, fresher, and so that rooms seem larger.  This is a simply trick to pull off as long as you remember to do it.

Open Up The Space

You want to showcase the size of the rooms to home buyers, so you may want to change your furniture arrangements.  When people live in homes for a while, they tend to go for furniture arrangements that lean more toward functional than fashionable.  You want to get back to positioning furniture purely for aesthetic appeal while you are trying to sell your home.

Keeps Pets Somewhere Else

Pets have no place in a home that you are trying to sell.  It sounds harsh, but you need to realize that the appearance of pets devalues a home in the minds of potential home buyers.  Also, many buyers are not pet people, so they don't want to hear about your pets, much less see them.  Find other lodgings for your pets while the house is being shown or until the house has been sold.

If you want to get serious about home staging, then you need to commit to this art form.  You can't do anything halfway, or the individuals who come to see your home will be only halfway impressed.  If you commit fully to the process of home staging, then it will be that much easier for potential home buyers to commit to buying your home.   

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